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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to Eliminate Neck Pain ???

If you ever feel the pain in the neck, certainly very uncomfortable. Neck pain is a symptom caused by the pressure (stress) in soft tissues, bones, or joints of the cervical spine (cervical spine) or adjacent structures.

Usually people who menederi neck pain because of trauma, poor posture, and frequent heavy lifting.

Some ways we can do relieve pain in the neck, among others:
1. Frequent rest. Reduce solid activity.
2. Sit properly. If we wanted to sit longer, are suggested to wear a back pad cushion for the position of the bone is maintained. Also useful for maintaining the arch bone in your body.
3. Perform stretching and exercises, like stretching the neck muscles with Lift shoulder (shoulder-shoulder) up and down.
4. Stretching the chest wall muscles and strengthening the muscles around the auto-and rear shoulder blades for Facebook to promote and balance the body untu neck support.
5. Do not often lift heavy burden on the shoulders for too long. because it can make the bones become weak.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How to prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that is often experienced by older people. This diseasecan be prevented from now, so that later we can still do activities that we want to dowithout having burdened by disease. Some ways to prevent the occurrence ofosteoporosis is as follows :
1. Often Motion Agency

Research shows that people who actively do whatever activities have stronger bonesthan people who just stay quiet or less active.

2. Enough Calcium Consumption

Adding calcium in the body is essential for bone growth and increase the bone in the body. By consuming milk is very good for the bones of your body.

3. Limit salt use kitchen salt (NaCl)
  Consisting of elements from sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl). Consumption of sodium(sodium) is excessive, both derived from salt and monosodium glutamate (MSG) canhave a negative impact on health.

Prevent osteoporosis from now, to care of your body ..

Monday, May 9, 2011

Risks Of Smoking For Your Health

Healthy life expectancy without smoking is to us all. Health is the most precious thing in life. From year to year has increased the number of smokers in the world, so it needed attention for all of us to be able to reduce and prevent it as it can disrupt your health.

According to the research, someone who smoked daily smoking may increase the risk of laryngeal cancer, lung, throat, oral cavity, pregnancy disorders and heart disease.

Tidah smoking harmful for smokers only active but also passive smoking can harm or the people around him. because it can be inhaled cigarette smoke on people - people around you that can lead to serious chronic diseases such as experienced smokers.


Cigarettes must not be separated from raw materials of manufacture, namely tobacco.In Indonesia, tobacco plus clove and other ingredients are mixed to make clove cigarettes. Besides cigarettes, tobacco can also be used as hand-rolled cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, tobacco pipes, and smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco or chewing tobacco).

Gas component of cigarette smoke is carbon monoxide, ammonia, acid hidrosianat, nitrogen oxides, and formaldehyde. Particle form of tar, indole, nicotine, karbarzol, and cresol. These substances are toxic, irritating, and cause cancer (carcinogens).


Substances most frequently discussed and researched people, poison the body's nerves, increase blood pressure, cause constriction of peripheral blood vessels, and cause addiction and dependence on the wearer. Levels of 4-6 mg of nicotine inhaled by adults every day can make a person addicted. In the United States, white cigarettes on the market had higher levels of 8-10 mg of nicotine per stem, while in Indonesia, 17 mg nicotine yield per stem.


Lead generated by a cigarette of 0.5 ug. A packet of cigarettes (20 cigarettes contents) which sucked out in one day will generate 10 ug. While the danger threshold of lead that enters the body is 20 mcg per day. It is conceivable, when a heavy smoker smoked an average of 2 packs of cigarettes per day, how many of these harmful substances into the body!

GAS carbon monoxide (CO)

Carbon Monoxide has a strong tendency to bind to hemoglobin in red blood cells.Supposedly, this hemoglobin binds with oxygen which is essential for respiration of body cells, but because the CO gas is stronger than oxygen, the CO gas is captured place "in the" hemoglobin. Be, hemoglobin coupled with CO gas. CO gas levels in the blood of nonsmokers is less than 1 percent, while the blood of smokers to reach 4-15 percent. Many times over!


Tar is a collection of thousands of chemicals in the solid component of cigarette smoke, and is a carcinogen. At the time of cigarettes smoked, the tar into the oral cavity as a dense vapor. Once cool, it will become solid and form a brown precipitate on the surface of the teeth, respiratory tract, and lungs. Precipitation varies between 3-40 mg per cigarette, while the levels of tar in cigarettes range from 24-45 mg.


Smoking can cause changes in the structure and function of airway and lung tissue. In large airways, mucous cells enlarge (hypertrophy) and mucus gland multiply (hyperplasia). In small airways, there was mild inflammation due to increased cell constriction and mucus buildup. In lung tissue, an increase in the number of inflammatory cells and damage to the alveoli.

Due to changes in the anatomy of the airways, in smokers there will be changes in lung function with all kinds of clinical symptoms. This became the main basis of the occurrence of chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (PPOM). It says smoking is the leading cause of occurrence of PPOM, including pulmonary emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and asthma.

The relationship between smoking and lung cancer have been studied in 4-5 decades.Found a strong association between cigarette smoking, particularly cigarettes, with the incidence of lung cancer. Some even expressly stated that the cigarettes as the main cause of lung cancer.

Cigarette smoke particles, such as benzopiren, dibenzopiren, and urethane, known as a carcinogen. Tar is also associated with risk of cancer. Compared with nonsmokers, the possibility arises of lung cancer in smokers reach 10-30 times more frequently.


Many studies have shown a link smoking with coronary heart disease (CHD). Of the 11 million deaths per year in industrialized countries, the WHO reports That More Than Half (6 million) due to blood circulation disorders, in the which 2.5 million acres coronary heart disease and 1.5 million acres of stroke. MOH survey in 1986 and 1992, have increased mortality from heart disease from 9.7 percent (ranked third) to 16 percent (ranked first)

Diligently Eating Tomato Exchange Protecting skin Like Wear Sunscreen

Benefits of tomatoes for the skin not only be obtained by using it as a scrub or mask.By eating 5-6 regular basis points this fruit, the skin will also be more healthy and protected from the dangers of cancer-causing ultraviolet rays.

Benefits of eating tomatoes is almost equivalent to using a sunscreen with the power of Sun Protecting Factor (SPF) 1.3. Relatively small to serve as the primary protection, but large enough to maximize the protective effect of ultraviolet light.

These benefits are revealed in a study by a team of experts from several universities in Manchester and Newcastle, England. A total of 20 participants who have a healthy skin is involved in experimental research.

Every day, 10 participants were given as much tomato sauce 5 teaspoons (55 grams), equivalent to 5-6 grains tomatoes mixed with 10 grams of olive oil. The remaining 10 participants only get olive oil and should not eat tomatoes.

At the beginning of the study, participants' skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation (UV) is measured and compared with 12 weeks thereafter. As a result, participants who every day get the ketchup to 33 percent more protection from UV rays.

UV light is one trigger various types of skin damage, ranging from premature aging to cancer. These rays are everywhere, but most commonly found in sunlight due to the depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere.

The content of nutrients in tomatoes that can counteract the effects of UV light from within is lycopene, which functions as an antioxidant. This compound is able to neutralize free radicals formed by UV exposure and can lead to skin damage.

Although eating tomatoes could provide a protective effect from the inside, the skin still remain to be protected from the outside. Quoted from Irishhealth on Monday (09/05/2011), a form of protection from outside such as by using a sunscreen when going to move in the hot sun.

Sources: Detik

The Right Foods For Healthy Eyes

As an essential part of eye care is proper diet containing the right vitamins to help maintain eye health. There are so many eye diseases that can be minimized and reduced the risk of the disease through the consumption of foods that are good for eye health.

Antioxidants and eye health

Antioxidants not only help prevent certain diseases that attack the heart, the immune system, cancer but also to prevent the risk of eye disease as well as good for eye health. Which includes diataranya antioxidant vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A.These antioxidants can help prevent diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts and other eye diseases that typically arise relating to age or penuaan.Sumber good antioxidants can be obtained from fruits and vegetables, rich in color and high concentration. So when choosing fruit and vegetables, choose one that is rich in color.The concentration of antioxidants is much more abundant at the fruit or vegetable in a state still raw and will lose concentration because the process of cooking, canning, drying and freezing. The concentration of antioxidants that too much can also cause different negative effects, so it needs to watch out for the amount to be consumed.

Antioxidants Vitamin A for eye health

Vitamin A is an antioxidant found in foods made from animals such as liver and eggs and in fruits and vegetables such as carrots and spinach. Some dairy products or most dairy products also menganduing vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for the retina in carrying out their functions properly. Vitamin A also helps in seeing the dark at night by helping the eye to adapt from light to dark light. In addition, vitamin A also help reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataract formation that is usually associated with the emergence of age or aging factors. Macular degeneration and cataracts become the main cause of visual disability.
"Consumption of Vitamin A in sufficient amounts is essential for eye health and beauty eye"

Antioxidants - Vitamin C

Vitamin C can help in strengthening bones and muscles, maintain and enhance the immune system, maintain healthy teeth and gums, reducing the risk of some illness and is it important to maintain eye health. Vitamin C is one antioxidant that also helps reduce the risk of macular degeneration disease and the incidence of cataract formation associated with age or aging factors. Vitamin C as we have seen not only found in citrus fruit and orange juice alone, but also on green peppers, broccoli and sweet potato.
Antioxidants Vitamin E

Vitamin E is also one type of antioxidant that more or less functioning as well as other aktioksidan. Consuming vitamin E in large quantities can help prevent and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease, coronary heart disease, and protect or fight of some types of cancer.
For eye health, vitamin E was associated with a disease that is able to prevent disease cataract cataracts and slow the progression of cataracts. The best source of vitamin E can be found in green vegetables, peanut shells and vitamin E-fortified products like cereal.

Minerals Selenium and Zinc / Zinc

Minerals such as selenium and zinc are the two main minerals that help in porses oxidation. Both these minerals help the body absorb antioxidants to help supplied and antioxidants in the prevention of eye disease. Zinc can be found in cheese, Yougurt, red meat, pork, and some zinc-fortified cereals. Mineral selenium can be found in the walnut / walnut, bread and rice are rich in selenium, macaroni and cheese. "Just as antioxidants, too much consumption of minerals above can cause other problems, so watch the amount of consumption in accordance with prescribed rules"


The active Move Free Joint Problems

Although not visible, the joints need to be treated. If the condition is not good joints, flexibility throughout the body movement can be disrupted, even cause damage to joint cartilage.

Like the door hinges, joints become a liaison body between one bone and another bone, allowing bone can be driven with a flexible and supple.
Because an important function, the joints had never rested from his job. Not only that, the limb joints is constantly under pressure. More and more activities, more weight is also the task of the joint.
When we walk, the pressure on the joints reach two times the body weight when climbing stairs and rising up to three times. Pressure experienced by the joints even reach five times the body weight when we went downstairs.
According to dr. Aris Wirabudi, Sp.PD, KEMD, under normal conditions, the joint has a smooth surface. Pressures that received the joints will cause small tears or cracks."Naturally this tear will be repaired by the body. The younger the age, the sooner this happens the repair process," he said.
However, along with age, the body's ability to correct the tear had been reduced, but every time the body kept moving. Consequently tear in the joints is getting bigger and faster means damaged joints.
"If robekannya too big, over time will wear out the joint fluid, bone sticking together and hurt when moved. This condition is called also with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, a type of arthritis," says the disease in the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Jakarta, this.
Acceleration of joint damage, according to Aris, caused by various factors, namely age, weight, diet, and activities.
People with weight gain or obesity is ekstragemuk vulnerable groups experiencing osteoarthritis (OA). "Because of obesity, the muscles are not strong buffer weight-bearing joints thus more susceptible to a small tear on the joints," he said.
The disease arthritis is usually experienced by the elderly. However, if the joints are not treated, they are not too old can suffer. In the United States, OA affects 6-12 percent of the adult population and one third are over 65 years of age.
"Right now the trend is more and more young people are exposed to OA, especially if obesity and joints pressed on," said dr. Hadad Mansour, medical marketing PT.Fonterra Brands Indonesia, in the seminar "Health care of Bones and Joints" in Jakarta, some time ago.
Osteoarthritis has a major symptom of pain, swelling, joint difficult to move (rigid), and lost flexibility around the area of ​​pain. OA can occur in all parts of the body that are joint. However, the part most often affected are the knees, hands, feet, spine, and pelvis.
Osteoarthritis is not a trivial disease. This disease can cause chronic disability, increase visits to the hospital, and high cost. Unfortunately, according to dr. Aris, there is no medicine that can cure this disease.
"Treatment is provided physiotherapy to restore movement and function of anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain. Another therapy is surgery to replace the diseased area," he said.
To maintain joint function, there are several ways you can do. The first is exercise for blood circulation and prevent stiffness. The more we move, the more lenturlah our joints. Do exercise that strengthens the muscles of the body buffer.
However, Aris reminded that sports do not overdo it. "The use of a single part that excessive joint can cause injury. For example in tennis or golf player for wearing one part hands constantly," he said.
Even if you do not have time to exercise, always do stretching on the sidelines of the activity to prevent stiffness.
Another factor that is not less important, according to Hadad, is nutrition. "Like bones need calcium and vitamin D, glucosamine joints also need to prevent damage to cartilage tissue and overcome the symptoms of arthritis," he said.
Glucosamine is a compound builder for joint cartilage that acts as a cushion at the ends of the bones and prevent bone from cracking as they moved.
This substance is found naturally in the body, but the body's ability glucosamine synthesis is reduced with age. Thus, glucosamine could be added from outside the body.
To note, glucosamine is not a cure arthritis. "If there were complaints of pain, should be treated with anti-inflammatory drug. The function of glucosamine is for prevention," said Aris reminded.

Sources : Kompas

Eating Disorders Stomach Acid Causes Increased

JAKARTA. - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono canceled following a number of activities in the area of ​​esophageal stomach pain. Health problems caused by increased gastric acid disorder is caused by diet. To tackle the problem, then the diet should be maintained properly.
According to Prof. Frances Rungkat Zakaria, Lecturer Department of Food Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, when contacted from Jakarta, Friday (13 / 3), stomach acid is actually needed by the body to digest the food consumed by humans.
Stomach acid is hydrochloric acid or concentrated acid is eliminated from our body to the stomach and is corrosive or could undermine what is in it.
"In order for the stomach does not hurt because of the increased gastric acid, the proteins coated the stomach naturally very strong. However, when stomach acid is too much, endurance and a strong stomach will not hurt. Injury to the stomach can be caused by too much stomach acid or due to injury at the end of the stomach in the intestine 12 fingers, "he added.
So far, one of the main causes increased stomach acid is irregular eating patterns.Food or beverages consumed and into the stomach serves to reduce the concentration of gastric acid so as not to undermine the stomach.
When a vacancy occurs late meal so that stomach, the hydrochloric acid and then undermined the walls of the stomach.
Chairman, Department of Community Nutrition IPB adds, the general pattern of eating associated with metabolism. So, there are hours and hours eating should be obeyed.
When you eat regularly, then the stomach acids will digest the food. However, if there is no food, the stomach acid which should serve to digest the food instead will undermine the stomach wall.
"The most appropriate is, we must consume food or drink every three hours. Normally it happens gastric emptiness six hours after eating. But if the activity is high, then the stomach vacuum can occur more quickly," said Frances added.
Therefore, the diet must be maintained so as not to late to consume food or beverages.Another way is to avoid various types of foods that can trigger an increase in stomach acid, foods that are spicy or pungent like chili, pepper, ginger, and beverages such as coffee and tea.
"Actually, when the body under normal circumstances, the consumption of food or drink that will not cause stomach aches," said Frances.

Sources:  Kompas